Kaikki jäsenemme ovat lämpimästi tervetulleita seuraamaan Oulun yliopiston Fibrobesity-hankkeen Kick-Off -seminaaria Zoomissa 1.2.2022. Fibrobesity on Suomen Akatemian rahoittama profilaatiohanke (Profi-6) – kokoavana teemana on lihavuuteen liittyvä fibroosi eri muodoissaan.
Time: February 1, 2022 at 12:00-16:00
Place: Online Zoom meeting; find the link at Fibrobesity Kick-Off Event | University of Oulu
12:00-12:30 Welcome and Fibrobesity introductory
Vice Rector Taina Pihlajaniemi &
Fibrobesity Leaders Prof. Olavi Ukkola and Associate Prof. Reetta Hinttala
12:30-13:50 What’s up, part 1: Presentations by Fibrobesity key recruits
Professor Ali Mobasheri: Anti-obesity medications for treating obesity-induced osteoarthritis
Associate Professor (Tenure) Eija Pirinen: Adipose tissue mitochondrial dysfunction and fibrosis in obesity
Assistant Professor (Tenure) Renata Prunskaite-Hyyryläinen: Fertility in association to fibrosis and obesity
Associate Professor (Tenure) Daniela Ungureanu: Obesity and cancer: into the mechanisms of omental metastatic developments
13:50-14:00 Break (10 min)
14:00-14:40 What’s up, part 2: Selected Fibrobesity research topics
PhD, Fibrobesity postdoc Mikko Myllykangas: Historical and contemporary perspectives on the medical and social discourses of obesity
Prof. Sylvain Sebert: LongITools project
14:40-15:50 What’s up, part 3: Short talks by Fibrobesity postdocs
Riikka Arffman: Deciphering the roles of obesity and hyperandrogenism in fibrosis in the endometrium and placenta in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Marjukka Nurkkala: Disordered eating behavior – an aspect to obesity
Ghulam Shere Raza: Time-restricted feeding reduces Fibrobesity in mice fed with high fat diet
Outi Kummu: Metabolic effects of in utero PXR activation
Ismail Celik: The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based applications for behavioral guidance in the prevention and treatment of obesity
15:50-16:00 Concluding remarks