Fibrobesity Kick-Off Event 1.2.2022

Kaikki jäsenemme ovat lämpimästi tervetulleita seuraamaan Oulun yliopiston Fibrobesity-hankkeen Kick-Off -seminaaria Zoomissa 1.2.2022. Fibrobesity on Suomen Akatemian rahoittama profilaatiohanke (Profi-6) – kokoavana teemana on lihavuuteen liittyvä fibroosi eri muodoissaan.

Time: February 1, 2022 at 12:00-16:00

Place: Online Zoom meeting; find the link at Fibrobesity Kick-Off Event | University of Oulu


12:00-12:30      Welcome and Fibrobesity introductory

Vice Rector Taina Pihlajaniemi & 

Fibrobesity Leaders Prof. Olavi Ukkola and Associate Prof. Reetta Hinttala

12:30-13:50      What’s up, part 1: Presentations by Fibrobesity key recruits 

Professor Ali MobasheriAnti-obesity medications for treating obesity-induced osteoarthritis

Associate Professor (Tenure) Eija PirinenAdipose tissue mitochondrial dysfunction and fibrosis in obesity

Assistant Professor (Tenure) Renata Prunskaite-HyyryläinenFertility in association to fibrosis and obesity

Associate Professor (Tenure) Daniela UngureanuObesity and cancer: into the mechanisms of omental metastatic developments

13:50-14:00      Break (10 min)

14:00-14:40      What’s up, part 2: Selected Fibrobesity research topics 

PhD, Fibrobesity postdoc Mikko MyllykangasHistorical and contemporary perspectives on the medical and social discourses of obesity

Prof. Sylvain Sebert: LongITools project

14:40-15:50      What’s up, part 3: Short talks by Fibrobesity postdocs

Riikka ArffmanDeciphering the roles of obesity and hyperandrogenism in fibrosis in the endometrium and placenta in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Marjukka NurkkalaDisordered eating behavior – an aspect to obesity

Ghulam Shere RazaTime-restricted feeding reduces Fibrobesity in mice fed with high fat diet

Outi KummuMetabolic effects of in utero PXR activation

Ismail CelikThe Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based applications for behavioral guidance in the prevention and treatment of obesity

15:50-16:00      Concluding remarks