Nordic Obesity Meeting 2024 – save the date!

In February 2024, 1. – 3.2., we are proud to host the exciting and inspiring Nordic Obesity Meeting, NOM 24, in collaboration with the University of Helsinki Medical Faculty and Suomen Lihavuuslääkärit ry.

Meeting will be held in the center of Helsinki in Pikku-Finlandia, just next to the beautiful Töölönlahti bay and close to all transportation options, sights and restaurants of Helsinki center.

The scientific program will cover a broad range of topics from basic science to public health and treatment of obesity. We will have distinguished key note speakers, but will also put emphasis on promoting young scientists in the form of e.g. travel awards. Selected abstracts will be chosen for oral and poster presentations, so stay tuned for information on abstract submission.

This meeting is, however, not only about science. It is about networking, friendships, and building a strong Nordic network of professionals enthusiastic about the field of Obesity.

Welcome to Helsinki Nordic Obesity Meeting in February 2024!!!