Nordic Obesity Meeting, Copenhagen 17.-19.11.2022

Marraskuussa suunnitteilla mielenkiintoinen kokous pohjoismaisten kollegoiden kanssa, pääjärjestäjänä Tanskan lihavuustutkijat (the Danish Association for the Study on Obesity). Luvassa monipuolinen ohjelma Kööpenhaminassa.

Yhdistyksemme myöntää kokousta varten 3 kpl 450€ suuruista apurahaa.

Registration: Online via bird fees are valid until 14 September 2022. The final deadline for registrations is 10 October 2022. Early career researchers (PhD age <10 years) who have had an abstract accepted for the congress will have a reduced fee and free dinner on Nov 18. Keynote speakers, sponsors and members of the organizing committee register free of charge. The registration fee covers participation in the Education day and the Nordic obesity Meeting including coffee and lunch on all three days.

Abstracts: Submit your abstract (250 words) to before September 1, 2022. Find abstract guidelines here.”

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