Tervetuloa yhdistyksen syyskoulutuspäivään sekä syyskokoukseen Ouluun! Luvassa innostavia luentoja, postereita, networking-mahdollisuuksia sekä tietenkin inspiroivia ideoita uusiin tutkimuksiin ja yhteistyöhön.
We invite you to the FibroHealth Symposium 2024, organized by the Fibrobesity Research Programme in collaboration with the Finnish Association for the Study of Obesity (FASO), and the Finnish Pharmacological Society (FPS)!

FibroHealth Symposium 2024: Bridge over Obesity – From Science to Practice
Time: 26 November 2024, 8.30 – 16.20, Dinner at 19.00
Location: Leena Palotie Hall, Aapistie 5A, Oulu, Finland
Remote Access: Available via Zoom for registered participants
Abstract submission DL October 31
- Keynote by Prof. Kirsi Pietiläinen on current clinical treatments
- Expert talks on anti-obesity drugs, dietary impacts, and new therapeutic developments
- Patient stories and award presentations
- Engaging abstract-based talks from emerging researchers
- 08:30-09:00 Registration and Coffee
- 09:00-16:20 Sessions and Discussions
- 19:00 Conference Dinner and Young Investigator Prize
Please take a look at the full programme and updates on the event website.